
Dot Net Topics

1.      Week 1


·         Microsoft technologies introduction.

·         What is project & what is use of projects.

·         Microsoft tools introduction.

·         Data base introduction.

·         How to create Database and project.

·         What is SQL?

·         SQL Commands

·         DDL - Data Definition Language

·         DML - Data Manipulation Language

·         DCL - Data Control Language

·         DQL - Data Query Language

·         What is field

·         What is record, or row?

·         What is column?

·         What is NULL value

·          SQL Constraints( NOT NULL Constraint, DEFAULT Constraint , UNIQUE Constraint  PRIMARY Key , FOREIGN Key, CHECK Constraint)

·         INDEX.

·         Database Normalization

·         SQL SELECT Statement

·         SQL DISTINCT Clause

·         SQL WHERE Clause

·         SQL AND/OR Clause

·         SQL IN Clause

·         SQL BETWEEN Clause

·         SQL Like Clause

·         SQL ORDER BY Clause

·         SQL GROUP BY Clause

·         SQL COUNT Clause

·         SQL HAVING Clause

·         SQL CREATE TABLE Statement

·         SQL DROP TABLE Statement

·         SQL CREATE INDEX Statement

·         SQL DROP INDEX Statement

·         SQL DESC Statement

·         SQL TRUNCATE TABLE Statement

·         SQL ALTER TABLE Statement

·         SQL INSERT INTO Statement

2.      Week 2

·         SQL UPDATE Statement

·          SQL DELETE Statement

·         SQL CREATE DATABASE Statement

·         SQL DROP DATABASE Statement

·         SQL USE Statement

·         SQL COMMIT Statement

·         SQL ROLLBACK Statement

·         Exact Numeric Data Types

·         Data Types

·         Date and Time Data Types

·         Character Strings Data Types

·         Unicode Character Strings Data Types

·         Binary Data Types

·         SQL Operators

·         SQL Arithmetic Operators

·         SQL Comparison Operators

·         SQL Logical Operators

·         SQL - Boolean Expressions

·         SQL - Numeric Expression

·         SQL - Date Expressions

·         SQL INSERT Query

·         Populate one table using another table

·         SQL SELECT Query

·         SQL WHERE Clause

·         SQL AND and OR

·         SQL UPDATE Query

·         SQL DELETE Query  

·         SQL LIKE Clause

·         SQL TOP Clause

·         SQL ORDER BY Clause 

·         SQL Group By

·         SQL Distinct Keyword

·         SQL Joins

·         SQL Unions

·         SQL NULL Values

·         SQL Alias Syntax


·         Creating Views

·         SQL HAVING

3.      Week 3

·         SQL Transactions

·         SQL Wildcard Operators

·          SQL Date Functions

·         SQL Temporary Tables

·         SQL Sub Queries

·          SQL Injection

·         SQL Useful Functions

·         Stored procedure.

·         SQL logins

·         Triggers

·         C#  Programming Language Basics and Compilation

·         C# Language Basics

·         How compilation happens in .Net

·         Basic programming elements

·         Operators, Data Types, Stack, Heap.

·         Class and Object. Heap and Objects.

·         Methods, Fields Variables. Scope of Variables.

·         Value types and reference types, boxing and unboxing

·         Arrays, Strings, String Builder.

·         For, For-each, Switch.

·         Method return types with arrays and objects.


4.      Week 4

·         Different access modifiers.

·         Encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism.

·         Oops

·         Constructors and Object creation and Calling methods.

·         Constructors calling sequence.

·         Types of Classes (Static, Sealed, Abstract, Partial Class, Nested class

·         Over loading

·         Access modifiers for classes, namespace and struct.

·         Overriding

·         Method hiding using new.

·         structs, enums, this key word. Pass by value and pass by ref , ref, out.

·         private and static constructors.

·         Interfaces

·         When to use abstract class and interface

·         Exception handling. Custom exceptions.

·         Delegates and Events. Name space aliasing.


5.      Week 5

·         Nullable Types

·         Compilation , Running, Watch and Quick watch

·         VS shortcuts like code refactoring etc...

·         Types of .net applications.


·         Architecture of .net framework

·         PE files and Assemblies, Manifest, Metadata.


·         Using ILDASM and NGEN.exe

·         Private and shared assemblies.dll hell problem.

·         SN utility and strong naming and Delay signing

·         Garbage Collection Basics, Generations. Un managed resources.

·         Destructors, Finalize and Idisposable

·         Destructor execution order in inheritance.

·         Collection classes and generics. Which collection to choose.

·         Iterators

·         Attributes

·         Reflections.


6.      Week 6


·         Client and server mechanism

·         Interaction between computers

·         IIS and virtual directory.

·         HTML Basics

·         writing simple pages and execution

·         Redirecting user to another page and round trips

·         Page Life cycle

·         validating data on client and server

·         Master pages, themes and skins.

·         State Management techniques

·         Error handling in

·         Tracing

·         Basic controls, user controls and custom controls.


7.      Week 7

·         Error handling in

·         Tracing

·         Basic controls, user controls and custom controls.


·         Data controls and

·         Config files and Global. asax

·         Security Roles.

·         Authentication and Authorization, Membership providers.

·         Caching

·         Authentication and Authorization.

8.      Week 8

·         3 layered and 3 tier architecture project.

·         JavaScript

·         Jquery

·         HTML

·         CSS

·         AJAX

·         XML

·         Web Services

·         WCF Basics

·         MVC Basics

·         New Technologies